Colloque en ligne: Networks of Manuscripts, Networks of Texts (21-23 oct. 2020)

Dans le cadre du projet “Innovating Knowledge” sera oganisé un colloque en ligne les 21-23 octobre 2020 sur les réseaux de manuscrits et de textes au Moyen Âge : “Networks of Manuscripts, Networks of Texts”.


Programme :

Mercredi 21 octobre 2020

13.15-13.30 Mot de bienvenue

Network Analysis as a Method for the Study of Manuscripts

  • Gustavo Fernández Riva (University of Heidelberg): Networks of Shared Manuscript Transmission for Medieval European Vernacular Languages. Evaluating the Data and the Method
  • Andreas Kuczera (Akadmie für Wissenschaften und Literatur, Mainz)/Martin Fechner (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities): Aristoteles multimodal – with ediarum to the graph
  • Evina Steinová (Huygens ING): Travelling Annotations: Network Analysis as a Tool to Study Glossing Networks in Carolingian Europe


Jeudi 22 octobre 2020

Networks of People

  • Introduction
  • Catherine Emerson (NUI Galway): Textual and personal networks: The Chronique Abrégée in fifteenth-century Paris
  • Katharina Kaska (Austrian State Library): Scribal and textual networks – collaboration and exchange in manuscripts and scriptoria
  • Katarzyna Anna Kapitan (University of Iceland): A saga in a network and a network of a saga

Networks of Influence

  • Dominique Stutzman (IRHT Paris)/Louis Chevalier (IRHT Paris): Books of hours as text compilations in the Low countries
  • Shari Boodts (Radboud University Nijmegen)/Iris Denis (Radboud University Nijmegen): A sermon by any other name? The pseudo-Augustinian S. App. 121 and its medieval textual network
  • Richard Matthew Pollard (University of Montreal): What do the Church Fathers, Scientific Fathers, and Military Fathers have in common?

Table ronde

Keynote: Matteo Valleriani (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science/Technische Universität Berlin/Tel Aviv University): Early Modern University Textbooks: How to Gain Hegemony


Vendredi 23 octobre

Networks of Reuse and Repurposing

  • Ina Serif (University of Basel): From Networks of Texts to Networks of Genres? On the Classification ofTexts in Compilations with a View towards Manuscript Transmission
  • Sara Steffen (University of Basel): Audible Networks: Connecting Texts through Music in 16th-Century Swiss Broadsheet Ballads
  • Jialong Liu (Leiden University): Text Reuse in the Medieval Chinese Public Inscriptions (618-907)

Networks of Knowledge Transfer

  • Session introduction : Immo Warntjes (Trinity College Dublin): Computistical objects and intellectual networks in the Carolingian age
  • Agata Paluch (Freie Universität Berlin): Patterns ofKnowledge Circulation in Early Modern East-Central Europe: Tracing Jewish Kabbalistic Textual Units in Multiple- Text Manuscripts
  • Elizabeth Archibald (Pittsburgh University): Medieval Library Catalogues and Intellectual Networks

Table ronde et conclusions


Pour plus d’informations : Evina Steinová ( ;


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Hanno Wijsman (1 septembre 2020). Colloque en ligne: Networks of Manuscripts, Networks of Texts (21-23 oct. 2020). Libraria. Consulté le 15 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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